
You're the Cocaine In My Veins

Whenever my life goes a bit south, I like to listen to this song. Sometimes I feel like real human love is as unattainable as an illegal drug.

And darling, the dirt beneath your feet
And the scars that line your knees
Are what keep me moving on.


  1. I must admit that human love is a thing I have examined much more critically since my parents decided to divorce. If we are looking at the term "falling in love", then I think it doesn't really exist, 'cause then it allows for "falling out of love." Neither of these, as far as I've found, is in the Bible.

    Love does have feelings and wondrous things to it, but it is essentially a choice, a decision, an action. At least, that is what I've gathered from examining Scripture.

  2. Ok, I have another book you need to read about human love vs. God love. Guess which one is going to always be self focused- what the other person can do for/give to me?
