
I found the perfect place
to watch the sunset


The Great Hush

The end of a chapter has come. I am in the last page, walking slower and slower, afraid of the finality of the end, the blank space that will fill the end of this page.
This is the part of the story where…I don’t know. The part where self-reflection is a spot of blue sky and everything else has become a series of stratus clouds constricting the blue and stretching away. This is the part where I need to catch a breath. This is the part where my romantic self notices again the things that make life beautiful. Fragile and beautiful. The swallows that follow my car, the smell of thunderstorms,  The children next door (they are human sunshine), the simple white coffee cup in my hand, the excitement of a good book, nighttime sounds in my ears, stars above my eyes, cool grass under my feet. This is summer. This is the sigh, the exhale, the great hush to separate me for a moment from this moving, spinning, leaping, consuming life.


Big fan of This.


Call a jack a jack.
Call a spade a spade.
But always call a whore a lady.
Their lives are hard enough.


Phrases like Weeds

Sometimes I will read a phrase, and it just gets stuck in my head. I will often mouth it to myself unknowingly as I think about it, my sister catches me at it. Here is one that has stuck for months, I think it came from an Emily Dickinson poem.
"This weedish angel of boggy shade"

Not even a full sentence, but I often think on it. And now, maybe, it's stuck in your brain as well. Like a weed, you may never root it out completely again.


Summer Ambition

Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
The Principles of Uncertainty, by Maira Kalmon
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen
A Fraction of the Whole, by Steve Toltz
The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss
A Confederacy of Dunces, by John Kennedy Toole

This random conglomeration of books is one of my many summer plans. I hope I can finish all of them.


The Count Of Monte Cristo

"I don't believe in God"
"It doesn't matter; He believes in you."

Love this movie.


Hello Summer.
{Photo by Tim Walker}



It's almost over. Almost.