
Junior Year Reflections

Breathe. Just two weeks left. Less than that really. I'm at the stage where I realize how all the things in my peripheral vision that I wanted to do this semester are now impossible. Ah well. 
Finals week reminds me of steaming milk. (Yes I know, I frequent coffee shops a bit more than what is healthy) You begin the semester with fun and games-with big bubbles. Then the milk really begins to froth, but everything is under control. And then gradually, but faster and faster, the thing gets hot. And right when it's too hot to touch and you can't hold on; it's over.
Done. Semester completed. Latte ready on the counter.
But in all of this, in all of the lattes, art projects, coffee dates, non-gender neutral dorm supplies (thanks a lot, Target), missed classes, school events that I usually avoid, nose piercings, semesters spent abroad...I've learned a few things.  

  1. Don’t be selfish with your time.
  2. Think twice before you steal a mug. You might want to make it a habit.
  3. Double filter what you say. 
  4. Go on great walks, with or without people. Find fields of flowers to think in.
  5. Make friends with the librarians.
  6. Eat salad.
  7. Own sturdy slippers. (I've worn out three pairs already)
  8. Keep your secrets. Leave some things to the imagination.
  9. Take your vitamins.
  10. Pray. A lot. Every day.
And there you have it. The wisdom of a 21 year old. Go.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I like lists--I've read a lot of them, and I'd say this is a really good one. I think, if you wouldn't mind, I'm going to print it, put it in my journal, and bring it with me as I head off to Germany and spend a little time in Belfast.

  2. Wish I had known all of this at 21.

  3. I hope I can outdo this list by the time I turn 21 (in a lil' over a month).
