
A Little Revaluation

  I’ve been thinking. This usually happens during my swims or long walks.
Valentines this year had a new flavor, the flavor of decision and of contentment. 2010’s Valentines was my first to spend with an actual, serious, boyfriend. In 2010 I thought I had everything.
But somehow, as a single girl spending her 2011 Valentines with other girls, I felt like I had even more. There were so many beautiful moments on that day, like waking up to the sunrise peeking through my teal curtains. Like carrying daisies around the grocery store, and feeling beautiful just holding them and being excited to give them to my beautiful friends. Things like that, days like that, though they ooze with clichés and cheese- those are the things that will define this semester.
That is the contentment flavor, the decision is simply this: I am twenty, I am single, and I love it. Really, I do. I am inebriated on independence.
   I’m sure one day I’ll get around to finding that guy with Jimmy Stuart charm and a Tom Hanks laugh. I’ll know I’ve found him when he’s the kind that can write to me about bouquets of newly sharpened pencils, bring me daisies instead of roses, and not be afraid to scrape all the garnish off that dish just because it gets under my skin. (I’m referencing You’ve Got Mail a bit today, I think it’s time for me to watch it again.)
But until that day gets here, I am decidedly content to be Kate. And that is it. 

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