
We Will Call it Word Blot

mush gush go away feelings I feel no more for you come back logic I never knew we drifted apart hold me tight icy grip don’t slip freeze it off moles leave holes scars leave stories sever tear but don’t pretend it wasn’t there where wear leaves lines in lines we wait we live we stand we run in lines swim in lines lines make circles squares hexagons stars stand alone hearts break perfectly in half and make more lines but really just graphite on paper you can rip tear shred burn but you wont you will stand in that line that circle that square no tear no repair don’t complain you know its fair you know you sow thoughts but never movement never change it jingles in your pocket in your car under your step step step click clack smack on sidewalks crunch crunch on gravel crunch crunch cardboard cereal goosh smoosh on mush gush go away feelings

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