
Setting My Toes Westward

The running conversation here goes something like this: 
-So, how are you doing?
-(sigh) I'm just so ready to go home. 
-Yeah, me too. I can't wait to see my family, it's been hard being away for so long.
People have been asking me if I'm ready to go home. And I've felt a bit conflicted about the subject. I feel like I have more than one home, every time I leave one I miss the other. My home is in the upstairs art classrooms at jbu, my home is in the pool, my home is the field outside of my bedroom window. 
For the first time this semester I have begun to really miss things that are not locations. I miss walks with my dad, running errands with my mom, listening to my brother explain cell biology , laughing with my little sister...
The list could go on but I think it's obvious. People are what matters most, home is wherever I'm with them. Ireland is home, and these people are home. 
But now I just want to see the people that loved me from day 

These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections — sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent.
quote from "The Lovely Bones"


  1. Home keeps changing for me. I want to get away while also wanting to settle down somewhere, to do exciting things but also to just BE with close friends.

  2. i miss your beautiful mind.
