
Fears Fade

 I may be losing my arachnophobia. Today as I was lying on my front porch, soaking in sunshine so unsuitable for december, I watched a spider the size of a 50 pence piece climb onto my book and explore the page. My hands were less than six inches away, and yet they sat there unafraid. For the first time, when confronted with a spider, my body wasn't covered with goosebumps and I didn't shake.
How exactly do we lose our fear? Does a new sense of confidence push it out like a grown up pushing away childish habits? Or is my arachnophobia simply being replaced by a new and more ominous fear? Why do fears fade, and where do they go?

1 comment:

  1. The picture you chose is pretty disturbing.

    I bring my fears to God. Then I take them back. And if I'm clever enough, I remember once again that they're His, and give them back accordingly.
