
On Clive Staples' Demons and Mugs for Golden-Locked Girlies

We read and discussed The Screwtape Letters. I remember the first time I picked it up as a thirteen year old, it scared me. Seven years later, and a bit desensitized to the idea of a demon on my shoulder, I devoured the book. My favorite line, 

"The best descent into Hell is a gradual one"
Definitely one of those ouch moments. 

It says Goldilocks. Cheers.
And Lauren, you may be disappointed to find out that I haven't kicked the mug habit. 
There was a lovely woman, and she had lovely handmade ceramics, and it was a lovely day at a market...
All I can say in my own defense is that at least I didn't...borrow...this one.
Best descent into hell, eh?

fyi, I have every intention of undoing those wrongs. Goodness knows I'm digging myself a lovely hole. Time to be quiet.

Best wishes from the Vibrant Northern Marshland.

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